In 2019, the European legislature adopted the Sale of Goods Directive 2019/771 and the Digital Content Directive 2019/770. Joint “measures” serve to increase legal certainty between Member States, strengthen the confidence of consumers and business owners and minimise the costs of cross-border trade. The legal instrument used for this purpose is full harmonisation; it creates a uniform legal framework, as Member States are not allowed to maintain or introduce diverging provisions.
The paper seeks to combine sale of goods law with a number of questions on European methodology. Focusing on the Sale of Goods Directive, it aims to highlighten the main deficits of the Directive 2019/771, and finally to point out lights and shadows of the full armonisation policy. Main questions are: do these directives live up to their aspirations? Does full harmonisation increase legal certainty and reduce costs? Has the goal of full harmonisation been achieved with lower transaction costs? How should the directives be handled if there are gaps? Which rules should be included if the directives are amended? The paper concludes with summary thesis.
Il saggio offre uno dei primi e più approfonditi commenti delle coeve Direttive appena emanate, la seconda Direttiva vendita di beni di consumo (2019/771/UE) e la Direttiva sui contenuti digitali (2019/772/UE), destinate a segnare una decisa opzione delle politiche dell’Unione a tutela dei consumatori verso interventi di piena armonizzazione. Attraverso una disamina critica dei contenuti e delle questioni applicative particolarmente della Direttiva vendita (con riguardo a possibili divergenze interpretative nei singoli ordinamenti degli Stati membri e al problema della risposta a talune lacune del testo), il saggio mette in luce i limiti dell’intervento rispetto agli obiettivi finali, quali rafforzamento della certezza del diritto e abbassamento dei costi delle transazioni, e argomenta, in conclusione, su alcune possibili risposte.
Articoli Correlati: vendita di beni mobili - direttiva europea - digital content
Thomas M.J. Möllers - The Weaknesses of the Sale of Goods Directive – Dealing with Legislative Deficits
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